HoP Africa and Pere Rat Co-operative attend GIZ Training

HoP Africa and it’s group of farmers; The Pere Rat Co-operative Society were at a two-day  advanced technical capacity building training on Contract Farming.
The training, which was provided by HoP Africa’s technical partners, GIZ and its team of expert trainers saw HoP Africa and its farmers gain new insights to how they can improve on their already existing farming partnerships.
Acquiring new knowledge on Contract Farming is an integral part of our work and an important resource needed to do our jobs competently and will now ensure  better results.
Our capacities have been built and we are equipped to carry out more impactful and sustainable projects across more communities.
We’re grateful to GiZ for the opportunity and for responding to this growing demand for information and technical support on contract farming issues by means of actions that include a series of capacity building workshops on planning and implementing contract farming operations.
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